The Community Resource Center (CRC)
Connects all people to: rent/housing programs, employment opportunities, food pantries, health and wellness programs, and other much needed services. Please visit for our directory of resources. We work with more than 50 agencies in the local community.
Provides residents with a central location to come together and learn about available programs and services. At the CRC, we…
Hosts workshops, programs, and events including:
- GED Preparation
- Parenting classes
- Computer Skills
- Small Business classes
- Mentoring
- Financial Assistance
- Social Services
- Job Training
The CRC is open Tuesday - Friday from 9am - 1pm, with late nights (from 4 to 6pm) on Tuesdays.
Our Center has computers and internet access, a resource section, and a meeting room.
We are located at:
40 Fowler Street, 2nd floor
Trenton, NJ 08618
tel: (609) 396- 6810