A network of clergy and congregational leaders from global communities of faith committed to ending and preventing the violence against women, children, and their families.
Shiloh Baptist Church
North America - Shiloh Baptist Church
Trenton, NJ, USA
Providence Baptist Church of Monrovia
Africa - Providence Baptist Church of Monrovia
Republic of Liberia
To engage clergy and leaders of all global faith-traditions on their unique role in creating safe, stable, and nurturing families by elevating protective and promotive factors and sharing the science of prevention.
To make all houses of worship and their leaders, trauma-informed centers of hope and resilience.
1.to promote "positive" childhood and family experiences
2.to promote the teaching of the epigenetics and neuroscience of the brain
3.to mitigate and eradicate "adverse" childhood and family experiences
4.to examine the affects of generational and historical trauma
5.to help families know that trauma can be replaced by hope and resilience

Snapshots of a Foster Child (2008) chronicles Rev. Darrell L. Armstrong time in foster care in Los Angeles.
In Snapshots of a Foster Child, Pastor Darrell Armstrong marries his love of history with geneaological research, and takes the reader on a family's migration journey from the Queen State, through the Antebellum South to the Far West. Along the way, he addresses his family's resilience in overcoming difficult subjects such as historical oppression, institutional racism, family adversity, and individual and family trauma. The take away message from his first published work is that, it what matters most in life is where you finish, not where you start.
The price is $20, and half of the proceeds from the book will go to "Vision 2030," Shiloh Baptist Church's visionary plan for community development and neighborhood revitalization, with the crown jewel being a new $8M Family Life Center.
or call Reverend Dr. Darrell LaRue Armstrong - (609) 392-0034