The CJFHC is integral in providing information to its members in regard to new and /or current state and federal mandates. Examples of their role include interpretation and dissemination of information regarding these mandates, and education of staff, community partners and individuals. The Consortium also serves in an advocacy role in both legislative awareness and implementation. We often participate in the development of policies and procedures related to new and changing regulations in New Jersey. Through membership in the Consortium, maternal child health concerns and issues are voiced collectively, which creates a stronger voice on behalf of the women and children in our region.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Workshop Program is to help alleviate the tragedy surrounding SIDS by facilitating high quality, caring services to families and caregivers who have been affected by SIDS. The program works not only to assist families affected by SIDS, but also to expand awareness and to promote risk reduction measures. The SIDS Workshop Program is a collaboration with the Central Jersey Family Health Consortium.
SIDS, is also Knows as "Crib Death", is the sudden and unexpected death of a baby under 1 year of age that remains unexplained after a thorough case investigation.
Healthy Women, Healthy Families (HWHF) is a statewide initiative focusing on improving maternal and infant health outcomes for all women of childbearing age and their families while reducing racial, ethnic and economic disparities. This is accomplished through a collaborative, community driven approach by the Central Intake Specialists, Early Childhood Specialists and Community Health Workers.

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