Trenton TechHire Initiative is a cross-sector partnership between employers, City of Trenton/My Brother’s Keeper Initiative, non-profit organizations, Mercer County One-Stop Career Center, and local educational institutions that will enable more than 160 residents to be trained and placed in technology-related jobs by 2020. Shiloh Community Development Services is jointly partnering with the City of Trenton/My Brother’s Keeper Initiative to convene local employers. Our employer partners include Jingoli & Sons, Alanda Software, Varsity Software, SKC Group, FCC Consulting Services, New Jersey Manufacturer Extension Program; New Jersey Business Industry Association; Tektite Industries, Inc; MidJersey Chamber of Commerce; and Power Magnetics, Inc. Additional partners include Campus Compact, New Jersey.
The proposed project is the pipeline to technology and manufacturing jobs for Trenton residents. We are leveraging existing programs to providing coaching, training, and job placements support to at least 75 individuals. The Trenton TechHire Community is a result of Shiloh CDC’s web design, computer repair, and tech job placement program called Revitalize Solutions that started in 2014.
This program serves veterans, re-entry population, disabled, and other under-represented groups in the City of Trenton.